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Scenic Arts
Produced numerous scenic arts for major stage productions in Hong Kong, such as The Elixir of Love , Tricolor, Journey to the West, Nine Songs , Die Fledermaus , La Boheme , Aida , Turandot etc working closely with renowned stage producers such as Mr. Lo King Man, Mr. Oscar Ho, Mr. Tim Yip. The making of venue and scenic setting was started back to the late 80s for Harilela Group, mainly for the gala wedding and cultural events for the Indian community.
90年代開始製作了大量的舞台繪景藝術作品,並曾多位藝術人仕合作、如盧景文先生、何兆基先生、葉錦添先生等為膾炙人口的舞台劇繪景: 如花好月圓、三彩、西遊記、九歌、蝙蝠、波希米亞人,阿依達,杜蘭朵等等,大大增強戲劇效果。回到80年代末,Jimmy開始進入繪景行列為夏利里拉集團及香港的印度社會的盛大婚禮和文化活動的佈景及台景。
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